UNLAWYERLY. with Ramin

UNLAWYERLY. moments - The Power of 10 Minutes


In this UNLAWYERLY. moments, Ramin discusses how 10 minutes can be used to make impactful changes.

Let's talk about the power of 10 minutes. Now, you may be asking yourself what exactly is the power of 10 minutes and it's exactly for what it stands. And 10 minutes, you try to do as much as you can with whatever is in front of you and the power of 10 minutes, really works in times when you just don't want to do something, you know, it's something that you have to do but you don't want to do it for one reason or another.

Let's say, for example, it's something related to to work to a project to chores at home, to exercise and there's a lot of people who cringe at the idea and thought of having to get up and exercise believe it or not as much of a gem addict and exercise addict that I am, there are some times where I just don't want exercise.

And of course, there are times where I just give myself the time to just rest, but other times, I realize, I need to get up and get moving especially when I need a mood booster. So in a 10 minute interval, I just tell myself, look step up to the plate, give yourself just 10 minutes and do what you need to do.

This is extremely helpful and I found it helpful At times where I just don't feel like doing anything, you know, for one reason or another, my mood may be off. I just might not be having a quote-unquote good day, or whatever, the case may be, but I realize that in 10 minutes you can get a good amount, a good chunk of whatever it may be done.

Now, there was a time where one of my girlfriends and I we were going through various things in our lives and, you know, it just wasn't working out in terms of whatever was happening at that moment in time. And so we will check in on each other and one of the things that we had, as a way to uplift the other one as hey, giving a reminder, can you keep your head above water for 10 minutes?

And often that would be enough to be able to help us. For example, you just need to get up. Start, moving around for 10 minutes. You need to get up. Go outside. Go for a ride for 10 minutes or, you know, get up and do something for 10 minutes.

And then, if it was one of those times, where it was just a period, where all you wanted to do, is just stay in bed all day. Well, look after that. 10 minute period, you kept your head above water, give yourself a break. Now, you may be asking yourself, well if you only keep your head above water for 10 minutes and then let yourself go, wouldn't you be drowning?

Yes. If you truly were and a situation where you were in water, then, yeah, of course you would. But, you know, we're speaking in metaphors here. So it's just a matter of what can you do for a 10 minute interval. I also found this extremely helpful when I've had projects are assignments, especially those that you let linger for a period of time until it becomes this monumental task when in reality it wasn't.

And so then you're trying to go back into it and thinking about well how am I going to tackle? It Use the power of 10 minutes. Give that particular project, ten minutes of your time, 10 minutes, just stop. And look at your notes. Look at emails, look at whatever the case may be to get yourself grounded to, where you were before, before you decide it to quote unquote, stick your head under the sand and move yourself away from the assignment.

Give yourself those 10 minutes to just regroup and then move away from it. Revisit it a little bit later. Give yourself another 10 minutes. And then this way after you've put yourself in the position where you know what's going on, you can plan out the next steps. Now at a certain point you will gain, momentum is just a way that things work.

You do a little bit of something over a period of time. A momentum is gained Now often if you do it in a one setting, you start something and slowly pick up the pace momentum will definitely increase. But in my experience, I've found that even when you put breaks in between, especially when you need breaks, you can still get that momentum going over, whatever task is at hand.

So in work, assignments, projects speeches, whatever the case I may have had, I just say for 10 minutes, I'm going to do nothing other than the task at hand. Prepare for the speech. Look at the project notes that I have respond to this email for a client and I just take those 10 minutes and don't think about anything else.

And yes, 10 minutes is enough to be able to respond to email. Look at the project notes kind of plan, but it's also short enough that you can actually commit to it without feeling that you're overburdening yourself with putting too much time on one thing. So power of 10 minutes can take you a long way to be able to get yourself out of any type of funk that you are in to get yourself out of any type of mood that just isn't working out.

And especially on those days where you get up and nothing else has happened. You literally open up your eyes and you've woken up but you're just not in the right mood, you know, quote unquote, you've you've gotten on the wrong side of the bed. And during those times, it's not always the need to figure out what is wrong.

You just woke up feeling different and it's okay to feel that way but you still have a life to lead. You still have, you know, work to tend to you have children maybe a significant other and while a lot of them are understanding and everybody knows we're humans. We have those moments where things happen those days were just isn't our days, but at the same time, we still need to move on with our lives to get things going.

10 minutes is really enough to be able to, at least get the ball moving forward.