UNLAWYERLY. with Ramin

UNLAWYERLY. moments - When Motivating Yourself Is Difficult

UNLAWYERLY with Ramin Season 1

In this UNLAWYERLY. moments, Ramin talks about those moments where it is hard to find motivation.

Sometimes it's really hard to find motivation motivation, to get up and motivation to do something motivation, to just get up on on your feet. And so during those times when you feel like you are lacking motivation, where you're lacking the ability to be like, hey I need to do something.

I think it's important to go back to the things that bring a small to your face. Go back to the things that actually make you feel alive in often. During those times or the times where inspiration is waiting for you? For me at least working out as always been a opportunity for me to motivate myself and more importantly to find inspiration.

I've actually had sparks of ideas of thoughts of things I wanted to do while I am at the gym. And I think the reason why I works for me is when I'm at the gym working out, of course there's the physical element, the huge part of it is the mental especially when you start to hit that sweet spot.

When you're working out the endorphins have been released the hardest pumping For me. Those are the times where I truly feel that I have some of the best ideas that are out there. And those are also the times that I get motivated, especially at the end of a workout, a motivated to do some of those things that perhaps felt daunting that perhaps felt like I just didn't have the energy for Another thing that I was just thinking about that has always brought me.

Joy is having what I call dance parties with my kids and really, it's nothing more than us just being in the room where the projector is, and we just put various songs on YouTube and we just dance, no judgment just dancing. Nothing sometimes, my kids are just standing around.

I encourage them like just get up and dance, nothing to be shy about dances of. Nobody is looking at you watching you judging you And the reason why it's important for me to tell them that is because when we just let ourselves loosen that regard just get the body moving.

Those are also the times where we realize that we can just have fun and having fun gives you the opportunity to open that door to, whatever may have been holding you back to be able to go and do it. You know, those are the few moments where we just realized look, life, isn't meant to be taken, seriously all the time to just enjoy the ability that you can be around lovement ones, you can move your body, you can listen to to music in that regard or in the case of the gym, for example, to give time, just for you.

And whatever the case may be, I think each and every single one of us knows the things that allow us to have fun know the things that allow us to to feel inspired and motivated. And I think we need to tap into those moments when we are feeling like we are lacking motivation.

And look every single day is not going to be. It's not going to be the case where you are gonna feel inspired, you are going to feel motivated. You're gonna want to go out a hundred percent and it's okay, we're not meant to go at 100% every single day and time, But I think it is important for us to keep certain tools in our tool belt to tap into them and say, hey, look, I need to get myself, inspired motivated.

Let me go paint, let me go color, let me go to the gym. Let me go dance with my kids. Let me go, listen to some music. Let me go for a walk and it's important to have those because there are going to be plenty of times where you just I want to sit down stare at the wall, or just watch TV endlessly.

And that in itself is, is not good all the time to, to do that. So I think during the times when you are feeling that the motivation is lacking or where you are, feeling uninspired. Tap into those things that have worked in the past and look let's be honest not it's not gonna work all the time but I think it's going to be enough to allow you to at least try something to get that motivation, to get that inspiration back.

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