UNLAWYERLY. with Ramin

UNLAWYERLY. moments - Ep 9 The Smoke and Fog Illusions of Highlight Reels

UNLAWYERLY with Ramin Season 1 Episode 9

In this UNLAWYERLY. moments Ramin discusses how we like in a time where we create smoke and fog of our lives with the highlight reels that we share.

 You know it's goes without saying that we live in a time period where sharing aspects of our lives, it's done with a very easy, quick of the button. In fact, apps make it extremely easy to share things on whatever type of platform that you are on. But the truth of the matter is that not everything needs to be.

 Shared not every moment or second of your life needs to be put on a particular highlight reel. And of course, it goes again without saying that were very strategic about the things that we share. In other words, the moments where we're showing happiness or excitement or something new something we bought something we've done.

 Highlights the good things of our lives, The good things of our lives are blessings but it's where that we do share the true or the real moments of our lives. But the reason I'm saying all this is that, you know, sharing every moment or aspect of her life, ie the good things, the, the great things that happen and, of course, sometimes some sadnesses shared as well needs to be limited.

 And, of course, this is my opinion, but I've had conversations with with my wife. And we've talked about this plenty, that certain things are meant to be cherished. Meant to be kept for yourself for your family, for your children, For your small groups, not necessarily for, you know, the social media community.

 And I do understand that some people just have their families on on social media and not necessarily have, you know, friends around the people are followers or you know, anything like that. But especially with, you know, our kids we're trying to instill the sense of and then they don't have any phones or social medias or anything like that.

 But we're trying to install this idea and notion of not, everything needs to be put out there on social media because they are gonna reach a point where they are going to have their own phones. There are gonna have, you know, social media accounts, etc. And you know, some things are meant to be for yourself.

 Now with me, when I was in my 20s and you know, this was when Facebook, just just recently came out and I just would share everything. I was one of those people I would share everything on social media and you know, whether it's statuses. I in fact had the one of the first albums and related to to selfies and this was before Instagram came out and all my friends and I we had a chuckle because it was just an album of me pictures of myself.

 Are we a little vain? I guess in my 20s, that was the case. But you know, as I've gotten older, especially once we had our kids, I've become much more protective and much more private, as far as the types of things that I want to share especially when it comes to things related to my kids.

 Whether it's, it's pictures or videos now, of course, yes, I will share things videos or things on our trips, but it's not very common for me to do. So. And the reason for that is I want to keep that for, for myself, for my wife, for my family, and for my own kids, or if there are certain things that are going on and are lives, you know, we want to keep that for ourselves.

 For example, not not too long ago. We were out of sonogram for our fourth child. God willing. She'll be here before we know it. Maybe when this podcast is episode is released. She'll already be here God willing But you know we were given pictures of the sonogram and you know it was like well is this something we share or we don't realize no this is this is something that we're gonna keep for ourselves.

 We don't need to put this out there, It's exciting. Of course, we are going to share with family and close friends, but otherwise, we, this was something. This was a moment for us to have and for our kids to have and not for it to to be meant to be shared or, you know, other things related to certain life happenings that are going on.

 Now, there are things that can be used to inspire others. There are things that can be used to help motivate others. One of the things that I do a lot in my social media accounts, is I like to write Writing as very big for me and that's why. For those of you who Follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I put a lot of stories with the writings that's mainly writings.

 That is a main form of my outline outlet for me, the especially when I'm working out and inspiration comes that, I just write it down and, you know, condense it and I share it. I do those things because a lot of the, the things that are right, I feel like it's worth sharing.

 Maybe a resonates with some people, maybe it doesn't. But that's something that I found as a way to be able to benefit the small sphere of influence that I have and everybody has spheres of influence and doesn't have to be anything big. It can be a very small circle, But I put those things out there as a way to, to benefit that group, whatever, that group may be.

 And then, of course, yes, there will be things about my private life that I will share. And the reason for that is, if I'm building a sense of community, it's to know who I am. It's not just necessarily that I have a lawyerly or, you know, my tax business or whatever, the case may be.

 I guess it, it provides the human element of it, But like I said, as, I've gotten older, I, I am, I tend to be more private than public about things that are going on, but I have also realized to share the not so happy, things of life because that is life, life is not always the highlight reels that we have on Instagram, on Facebook, on TikTok or whatever other on LinkedIn, whatever other social media platform that you that you may be on.

 But, you know, a lot of the things that we see on social media it whoever you are, We play? What I call the scroll game, where we're scrolling and looking at other people's lives and we think that the grass is greener on the other side, but we fail to realize that manure is required for the grass to grow green and everybody has manure in their lives.

 But we don't always see that because, again, everyone is always sharing the best aspects of it. But again, I think it's, it's important for us to keep somethings for ourselves for our families. And, you know, when you release something on social media, I believe this in my wife also believe this.

 It does take some aspect of you and you're putting some aspect of it out there in the universe. And I know sometimes when I feel like I've overshared I have this feeling of loss inside, like something is missing because I have put myself out there and and I do understand certain things that it does take courage to be able to share certain aspects of our lives.

 Where it does show our weakness where it doesn't show our strength. But again, I feel like that is that the human element aspect of it but then again you know, I think it's a decision everybody has to make as far as how they how much they share, what they're willing to share and some people may decide look.

 I enjoy sharing with my community with my small group, with my big group, whatever it is. And that's the way that I live my life and look no judgments at all those people are, of course, entitled to do what they want. I just feel like, you know, in this day and age and it's just gonna continue to become more more.

 We are over sharing. We are overexposing and some aspect of it, just doesn't need to be.